In Defense of Hackers.

Editor’s Note

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↓ Transcript
In the first two panels, a man is apparently seated near a computer monitor with a keyboard, and small fragments of text can be barely read on the monitor screen.

Man: Hi. I'm a hacker. You probably think I break into computer networks.

Man: But only a very tiny minority of hackers do that. Mostly, we hackers do creative things.

Man: We create cool new software and hardware. We generally break the rules only for the greater good.

The third panel shows the man and the computer monitor and keyboard in a closer view. The fragment of text on the monitor is now larger.

Man: It was we hackers who wrote most of the Internet software out there. Without us, the web would not exist.

The fourth and final panel shows only the computer monitor and keyboard.

Off-panel voice: So remember: Just because I'm evil doesn't mean we all are.

The text on the monitor can be clearly read.

Begin monitor text:

phpshell$ download xpl0it.tgz
phpshell$ tar xzf xpl0it.tgz
phpshell$ cd xpl0it
phpshell$ ./build
No errors.
phpshell$ ./run
# id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
# _

End monitor text.

Title: In Defense of Hackers.