9-11 Conspiracy.

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Heckler: Dude, give it a rest. There was no 9-11 conspiracy!

Demonstrator (holding sign that says "9-11 conspiracy"): Didn't more than one person make an agreement to commit a crime, i.e., fly those planes into WTC?

Heckler: Yeah, so?

Demonstrator: Gotcha!

Heckler: Gotcha what?

Subtitle text: I try to use the Socratic method to make anti-conspiracy-theorists realize their own stupidity, but it works only when they recognize the elements of common-law conspiracy, which is, like, never.

Title: 9-11 Conspiracy

Below-title text: Editor's note: Readers find this cartoon funny only when they recognize the elements of common-law conspiracy, which is, like, never.